
Showing posts from September, 2023

Growing Winter Wheat at Home

Wheat comes in many forms and types, and winter wheat is one of them. Winter wheat is a member of the Paceae family and it is mostly planted in the Great Plains regions as a cash grain and it is also an excellent green manure cover crop. The crop is native to southwest Asia, it was first introduced by Russian Mennonites during the 19th century. The grain hosts several benefits to compacted and overused soil. If you are planning to get winter wheat seedings in Southern Alberta , read the following to know the way to grow it at home. We will tell you how to grow winter wheat at home, improve soil conditions, repair exposed areas, and minimize soil erosion. Before we tell you this, let us share the benefits of wheat cover crops here. Winter wheat cover crops reduce soil erosion from runoff water and wind and to retain the soil. They also contribute to the reduction of mineral leaching and soil compaction, prevent the growth of weeds, reduce insects, pests, and also increase crop yield. W...